Medicine Expiration Dates – What Do They Mean?

As we went through Grandpa’s belongings after his passing one of the things we came upon were some carefully labeled but expired medicines.  And I don’t mean a couple of months expired; generally they had expired a decade or so ago.  Grandpa was always a frugal guy...

Don’t Let Acne Get You Down

“If you ever want some help with your skin, let me know, there are some good treatments.” “What do you mean?  What’s wrong with my skin?”  This was one of those awkward conversations in the midst of doing a physical on a young man with obvious rather severe acne. ...

Medication disposal

Today at Fort Sanders West Complex the police department is hosting a medication disposal event. If you have medications that aren’t needed anymore or expired this is a great way to get rid of them. Flushing them puts those medications into the local water...