Sore Throats – More Complicated Than You May Think

I returned to the exam room with the results of the five minute rapid strep test on an elementary school boy whose mom had brought him in with a complaint of a very sore throat.  “His strep test is negative Mrs. Thompson.” “Well that’s a relief!” My own thoughts about...

Antibiotics: When and Why?

This is part three of my question and answer session for the A Musing Maralee blog.  Today I focus on antibiotic use and touch on overprescribing. The original article can be found here.  Andy Smith, MD wrote a related article on antibiotics found here. When do we...

What should you know about fevers?

I was recently asked by Maralee Bradley, host of a great blog on adopting, parenting, and fostering children entitled A Musing Maralee, to answer some of her reader generated questions on fevers, the common cold, and influenza.  I’ve had the privilege to do this...

Who Needs An Antibiotic?

Let me tell you a little cautionary tale. Once upon a time (roughly twenty years ago) a strong new antibiotic came forth uniformed in a handy little green 6 pill, 5 day pack. Emblazoned across his uniform was the catchy swashbuckling name, Z-pak. For doctors, easy to...