Ever wonder why so many experts say the brain requires carbohydrates to live? Here’s the simple story behind that oft quoted “130 grams of glucose per day”. https://experiment.com/u/3f3C9g Even though the 130 gram number probably isn’t the...
“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” -George Santayana, Life of Reason, Vol 1, Reason in Common Sense Understanding where we are and where we’ve been helps us understand where we are going. We use three blood tests to help...
Ever thought about the fact that some people always assume that other people who are overweight are worse off than someone who isn’t? Have you ever thought that yourself? I hear from patients all day long about how they feel okay about their health even when...
The Syndrome That’s Sweeping the Nation One of the most common and damaging diagnoses I see day in and day out is one whose name many of my readers have heard little about. It is a syndrome that is epidemic in the U.S. with a staggering 1/3 of adults meeting its...