Your body is better built than you can ever know.

Ever wonder why so many experts say the brain requires carbohydrates to live? Here’s the simple story behind that oft quoted “130 grams of glucose per day”.   Even though the 130 gram number probably isn’t the...

Fill in the blank. I want to ___________.

We all have goals and aspirations for our lives that are going unmet.  Our dreams usually aren’t lofty.  They center around being with family, traveling, or maybe enjoying a favorite hobby.  What keeps us from achieving these goals?  For many of us, it is the...

Is surgery really the best option to treat obese diabetics?

In 1993, MTV’s new hit reality show The Real World: Los Angeles was in its second season.  During that season Tami Akbar Roman famously had her jaw wired shut in an attempt to lose weight.  From her perspective it was a simple enough idea, if she can’t eat...

Free exercise classes

VitalSigns is celebrating going back to school by hosting free classes in September. 

Free Fitness classes for January

Make Exercise More Enjoyable Find a Fitness Program That Matches  Your Personality and Goals In support of our patients’ desire to adopt healthy lifestyle habits that help prevent and reverse disease processes, during the month of January the VitalSigns monthly...

Where there is smoke

Have you ever been through a tragic and unexpected event like a car accident or house fire? Wouldn’t it have been great if a couple days before the event the paramedics or the firefighters showed up at your house to warn you? What if they were able to point out...