Have you ever been through a tragic and unexpected event like a car accident or house fire? Wouldn’t it have been great if a couple days before the event the paramedics or the firefighters showed up at your house to warn you? What if they were able to point out the dangerous driving habits or the faulty wiring that was going to cause you harm? If only we could really predict the future.
Doctors and other healthcare providers too often have to act like paramedics and firefighters. We sometimes can only help out after the tragedy has already occurred.
Our goal at Trinity is to always be looking for those signs in your life that predict the future. Our goal isn’t just to be there when you get hurt but also to try our very best to warn you about the impending tragedy.
So I have a challenge and a promise for you. Next time you come in for your office visit, I challenge you to ask two questions. First, ask us “How likely am I to develop diabetes, have a heart attack, or suffer from a stroke?” Secondly, follow up that question with “And what can do to prevent them?”
My promise to you is that we can answer those questions very specifically. We will tell you to best of our abilities how likely we think those tragedies are for you. We can also establish a clear and simple plan to avoid them. I estimate we have over two dozen staff members who have as their sole mission on our team the prevention, reversal, and treatment of those tragedies.
Additionally, we are very close to unveiling our VitalSigns paradigm to preserve health, prevent tragedies, and reverse disease. I’ll reveal more on that topic later.
So, let us work with you to prevent the tragedies of the future and preserve all the wonderful aspects of your life today.