For nearly 6 years, Dr. Angie Schupp was a part of Trinity’s physician staff.  After serving in the middle east as missionaries for fourteen years, they were called back to the states to finish raising their children.  God’s call in their hearts brought them to Knoxville and to Trinity and we were blessed to receive them.  Dr. Schupp brought a spiritual fervor and determination to reach her patients and impact our office.  She initiated several valuable medical protocols and habits within the practice that will continue to bear fruit for many years.

Since 2010, her husband, Rick, a pastor, has been actively seeking a new pastorate at which he could serve.  Having many ties to St. Louis they were open to moving and he received a call to a local church.  Although the desire to serve was long standing, the call occurred quickly.  Within a matter of weeks Dr. Schupp and her family were house hunting and packing their boxes.  Just last week, Dr. Schupp worked her final day at Trinity.

Join us in wishing them well and praying for their continued work for His glory in their new city.