
1) Just because its organic doesn’t mean its good for you.

2) Gluten free often ends up being high carb-but it doesn’t have to! (Gluten free diets often consist of tapioca and rice flour for baking; and rice, corn and potatos in several different varieties of food). Choose low carb & gluten free flours such as: almond, coconut, hazelnut, chestnut, etc. for baking  and avoid the hidden sugars such as agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, etc.). Because excess carbs eventually contribute to the most common diseases that we face-it is important to keep carbs in check. The good news is, it is possible to do gluten free and low carb

3) There are no shortcuts to a lifetime of wellness.

4) Food can be healthy and delcious! Try 1 new recipe each week to slowly “kick out the old-and bring in the new”.

5) “One should eat to live, not live to eat” -Benjamin Franklin