If you are bored with chicken, here is a super yummy and easy way to change things up!!! We love us some chicken at the Fowler house hold, but I am always looking for new ways to spruce it up and get creative!!! Chicken doesn’t have to be boring! You can enjoy it with many seasonings, spices, or marinades (caution with marinades and sauces b/c many of them have lots of sugar/ carbs! ) This recipe is one of my husbands new favs! He has requested it twice in 8 days! 🙂 I know the way to a man’s heart 🙂 ha! It’s super easy, looks kinda fancy on the plate, but only takes a few minutes to prepare. (I took a picture but am having a hard time getting it downloaded :()

Ingredients :

4-6 chicken breasts (free-rancge/ hormone free)

ham or turkey (nitrite free- I buy Boar’s Head)

swiss cheese

bacon ( nitrite free)

low carb Italian dressing (i used lite zesty italian- kraft brand- 3 nc/ 2 tbsp)



pound out each individual chicken breast to make it as thin/ flat as possible

lay a piece of ham or turkey (or both) down inside the chicken

next, lay a piece of swiss cheese on top of that (so its stacked, chicken, ham/ turkey, cheese)

roll chicken up with the ham/turkey and swiss in the middle

use a toothpick to secure it in place

wrap 2 pieces of bacon around the outside of the chicken and secure in place with 2 more toothpicks

lay in 13×9 greased pan (with olive oil)

drizzle italian dressing over top for marinade

bake at 350-375 for 45 minutes (could take longer if doing more chicken breasts or thicker chicken breasts)

Enjoy along side your favorite green veggies or with a spinach salad!

Additional Info:

If you are looking for good deals on free-range chicken, check out Trader Joes, they have some great deals! You could also try this with a BBQ sauce marinade instead of Italian, I am going to try this next!!! Probably Walden Farms brand since most BBQ sauces have lots of added sugar! You could also google “low carb BBQ sauce” and make your own! We had ours along side steamed green beans and brocolli sprinkled with parmesan cheese 🙂 It was super yummy and simple and the hubs was super happy as well! 🙂 Who doesn’t like their chicken wrapped in bacon, with swiss cheese oozing out!! Delectable!